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"Meet Vladislava Galagan, the 'Kendall Jenner of Bodybuilding' going viral on OnlyFans"

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

Russian bodybuilder Vladislava Galagan, also known as 'Kendall Jenner on steroids', has revealed how she earns five figures a month on OnlyFans by sharing her wrestling videos.

Galagan, 27, originally from Temryuk, Russia but now living in Prague, Czech Republic, began training at the gym 11 years ago to develop her impressive physique. In 2018, she began participating in bodybuilding competitions, growing her muscles to an impressive level, and began working as a fitness model.

Vladislava Galagan l Bodybuilder Who Looks Like Kendall Jenner Makes Money On OnlyFans

Vladislava Galagan l Bodybuilder Who Looks Like Kendall Jenner Makes Money On OnlyFans

Galagan also takes performance-enhancing drugs to help maximize her efforts, but says there is no "magic pill" and must be combined with diet and consistent training. She visits the gym six days a week and trains each muscle group twice a week, as well as having three cardio sessions a week.

With her incredible physique and her wrestling skills, Vladislava Galagan has created a strong online presence and found a profitable way to monetize her image through OnlyFans.


ฺBy Updated May 30, 2023 07.32 am TH

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